It is not a coincidence that our Company’s name is PROGREEN. To protect our environment is one of our guiding Principles. Our main Target is to achieve an environmental awareness in our sector, to protect our global resources and to leave our descendants a better World.
Therefore environment Management is a inseparable part of all our operational activities so that we take all possible opportunities to use eco-friendly materials.
Our aim is to make our Team, our Suppliers and our Customers conscious of Environmental Protection and to create “GREEN CONSUMENTS”. We believe that Economy and Ecology are not contradictory at all – on the contrary – they are mutually reinforcing the Business.
Our Eco-Friendly Applications:
- Financial and Moral Support to divers Environmental and Animal Friendly Associations
- Stronger use of Eco-Friendly Transport Modes like Intermodal and Multimodal Transport
- Using the most Modern Ecologic Equipment in our Vehicles
- Deployment of Vehicles with lowest possible CO2-Emission
- Using Eco-Friendly cleaning products for washing of our vehicles
- Economical use of Energy and Water
- Minimum Usage of Paper and tending to totally paperless Operations
- Using Eco-Friendly cleaning products for cleaning of our Offices
- Change of Working Hours in Winter and Summer Period in order to benefit from Daylight
For detailed Information: progreen@progreen.com.tr